Counting Colors, Not Calories: Exploring the Rainbow Plate for Health and Wellness

by | Oct 4, 2023 | Nutrition, Women's Health

rainbow food fruits vegetables

Think of your plate as a palette and each fruit and veggie as a vibrant stroke of paint. This random assortment of colours isn’t just about making your eating experience more fun but also about understanding the unique benefits each hue brings to the table.

Why should you be excited about this approach? Well, it’s not just about fitting into your favourite jeans (although that’s a perk); it’s about nourishing your body with a symphony of nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that can keep you feeling fantastic.

In a world where trendy diets and miracle supplements steal the limelight, I’m here to bring you back to the basics, reminding you that the most powerful tools for healthy living are found right in your grocery store’s produce section.

So, whether you’re on a quest to shed some pounds, maintain a healthy weight, or live your best, healthiest life, get ready to unlock the secret to healthy living through the power of a rainbow on your plate. Your taste buds are in for a treat, and your body will thank you!

The Rainbow Plate: What Does it Mean?

As mentioned in my previous blog, the essence of a “rainbow plate” is having a delightful and effective approach to healthier eating. It’s not about counting calories or depriving yourself; it’s about embracing a spectrum of colours that Mother Nature offers to fuel your body with essential nutrients.

Why is this concept so significant? Well, it’s a visual reminder of the diversity your diet needs. Just like an artist needs various colours to create a masterpiece, your body requires a range of nutrients to function at its best. Each colour represents distinct vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that play crucial roles in your overall health.

Nature’s palette is vast and diverse, offering a cornucopia of colourful fruits and vegetables. From the fiery red of strawberries to the soothing green of spinach and the sunny orange of carrots to the regal purple of eggplants, there’s no shortage of options to choose from.

The beauty of this variety is that it allows you to customise your diet according to your preferences and nutritional needs. Are you seeking vitamin C for a healthy immune system? Look for the vibrant oranges, reds, and yellows. Need more fibre for digestion and satiety? Load up on the greens and deep purples.

10 Reasons a Rainbow Plate Keeps Us Healthy

By incorporating a spectrum of colours, you can create a visually appealing plate that’s as nutritious and delicious. Let’s break down all the ways a colourful plate helps keep us on track to feel great!

It’s Low in Calories

counting calories

Vegetables are typically low in calories. This means you can eat a large volume of vegetables and feel full without consuming too many calories.

It’s High in Fiber

Vegetables are a rich source of dietary fibre. Fibre adds bulk to your diet and slows digestion, which can help you feel full for longer. This can reduce the overall amount of food you consume.

It has a High Water Content

Many vegetables have a high water content. Like fibre, water adds volume to food without adding calories, helping fill your stomach and promote satiety.

It’s Nutrient Dense

Vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Consuming nutrient-dense foods can satisfy the body’s nutritional needs, which can help curb cravings for less healthy, calorie-dense foods.

It Stabilises Blood Sugar

blood sugar

The fibre in vegetables can help stabilise blood sugar levels. When blood sugar is stable, you’re less likely to experience energy dips and subsequent sugar cravings.

It Helps Increase Metabolism

Some vegetables contain compounds that slightly increase metabolism, meaning you burn more calories even at rest. For example, capsaicin in chilli peppers has been studied for its potential metabolism-boosting properties.

It Reduces Fat Storage

Certain compounds in vegetables help reduce the storage of fat. For example, some studies suggest that the green tea extract, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), might help limit fat absorption and storage.

It Has a Substitution Effect

Incorporating more vegetables into meals often means you’re replacing higher-calorie foods. If you opt for a side of vegetables instead of fries, you’re reducing the overall calorie content of your meal.

It Improves Gut Health

A healthy gut can play a role in weight management. The fibre in vegetables serves as a prebiotic, providing food for beneficial gut bacteria. A well-balanced gut microbiota has been linked with a healthier body.

It Has TEF or Thermic Effect of Food

The Thermic Effect of Food refers to the energy expended by our bodies to consume (bite, chew, chew, chew) and process (digest, absorb, transport, metabolise, and store) food. Vegetables, particularly fibrous ones, require more energy to chew and digest than processed foods. Put simply, your body uses more energy (burns more calories) to digest vegetables than it does for many other refined, processed foods. This can contribute to a calorie deficit, which can help prevent weight gain.

Obstacles to a Healthy, Colourful Plate

obstacles healthy

Adopting a colourful diet isn’t as easy as it sounds, especially when there are several common challenges that stand in the way of our good intentions. One of the primary obstacles is the lack of variety in our daily food choices. We tend to stick to what’s familiar, and this can result in a monotonous, less colourful diet.

Additionally, our hectic lifestyles can make it challenging to prioritise meal planning and preparation, leading to food from convenience stores and fast food that lack variety. Budget concerns also play a role, as many believe that fresh produce is expensive compared to processed options. Lastly, getting picky eaters, especially children, to embrace a colourful diet can be an uphill battle.

Practical Tips To Incorporate Fruits and Veggies Into Your Day

The good news is that overcoming these challenges is entirely feasible with some proactive planning and creativity. Here are a few ways to do it:

Spice Up Your Routine: Challenge yourself to try a new fruit or vegetable weekly. Explore ethnic cuisines for unique produce options that can make your plate more colourful.

Meal Prep: Dedicate a day each week to prep fruits and veggies for easy access. Wash, chop, and store them in the fridge for quick, healthy snacks and meal additions.

Shop Smart: Look for seasonal and local produce, which is often more affordable and fresher. Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables can also be budget-friendly and just as nutritious.

Get Everyone Involved: Make it a family affair. Engage your kids in meal planning and preparation. Try recipes that incorporate colourful ingredients in fun and visually appealing ways.

Recipe: Red Tempeh with Vegetables and Coconut Rice

Red Tempeh with Vegetables and Coconut Rice

Photo by: Jude Delatorree

I’d like to share with you a recipe by Sandy Luhrs, a qualified herbalist and nutritionist. During her consultations as an herbalist, she started to realise how important nutrition is, which led to the creation of regular cooking classes where she teaches her clients healthy, nourishing recipes, like this Red Tempeh Curry!

Tempeh is a great plant-based fermented soya protein. It’s high in protein, iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.

Serves: 4


2 large Carrots sliced finely
1 red Capsicum sliced
100g of Swiss Brown Mushrooms sliced
1 large Zucchini sliced
2 Shallots sliced
1 small Red Chilli finely sliced
1 Garlic Clove finely sliced
1 knob of Ginger finely sliced
1 bunch of Broccolini sliced into stalks
¼ cup of Coriander diced
1 Lime juiced
1 packet of Tempeh cut into sticks
1 bunch of Bok Choy sliced
3 tablespoons of Red Curry Paste
1 tin of Coconut Cream
1 tablespoon of Umami
1 tablespoon of Tamari
1 tablespoon of Mirin
4 tablespoons of Hemp Seeds

Coconut Rice

1 cup of Basmati Rice
2 cups of Coconut Milk
¼ cup of Water
3 Lime Leaves


1. Heat oil in a large fry pan and sauté the garlic, shallots, ginger, chilli, and coriander root
2. Add the curry paste and mix well into the herb mixture, then add the vegetables.
3. Cook for a few minutes so the curry paste mixes in well with the vegetables
4. Add the tempeh. Carefully cook evenly on both sides. Add tamari, mirin, and umami.
5. Add the coconut cream and the juice of the lime and let simmer slowly for half an hour or longer.
6. While the curry is cooking, you can then start on the rice
7. Add the rice to a medium-sized saucepan and pour over the coconut milk, lime leaves and water, and cover with the lid
8. Bring to a boil and then drop the temperature down to a low heat and let cook for approximately 20 mins.
9. You can check the rice by taking the lid off and just checking that it isn’t sticking.
10. Take off the heat when ready and then serve up into serving bowls. Pour over the curry, sprinkle hemp seeds over the dish and enjoy.

A Colorful Path to Health and Well-Being

Woman health

Embracing a colourful diet isn’t just a short-term trend; it’s a lifelong commitment to your health and vitality. By overcoming these common challenges and consistently incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables into your meals, you’re investing in your long-term well-being. The numerous benefits include reduced risk of chronic diseases, enhanced heart health, better digestion, and bolstered immunity.

Moreover, a colourful diet is a culinary adventure. It opens the door to a world of flavours and culinary experiences, making every meal a delightful exploration for your taste buds. This commitment also supports sustainable weight management, helping you maintain a healthy body weight while enjoying a wide array of delicious foods. Ultimately, embracing a colourful diet leads to a more vibrant lifestyle, infusing your days with energy, focus, and an overall sense of well-being.

So, let’s embrace this colourful path to health and well-being. By recognising the challenges, applying strategies, and committing to a lifetime of colourful eating, you’re not just nourishing your body; you’re enriching your life. Let’s make eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables a habit worth keeping!

Dr. Rosie Ross

MBBS(Hons) BHSc (Nat Med) FRACGP
Dr. Rosie Ross, sought-after midlife women’s health expert, is an award-winning Medical Doctor, Naturopathic Medical Herbalist, Author, Speaker, and Integrative Health specialist. Dr. Rosie is truly passionate about women’s wellbeing and powerfully changing menopause education through health literacy and integrative medecine approaches.


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